Monday, August 2, 2010

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!

This is what my husband and I saw as we walked up the hill from our driveway yesterday morning. I thought it was strange that there was so much fog in one area. As we walked to the top of our drive, we saw a devastating sight!

There was no fog! It was smoke! A nearby house had burned down during the night!

The house continued to burn throughout the day. Firefighters were on the scene and continued to stop by at various times checking to see that the fire did not spread.

This is a side view of the house. By mid-afternoon the back wall had collapsed. There was a constant parade of "tourists" looking at the site throughout the day. The house continues to burn. Luckily no one was home when the blaze started. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Guess what I did yesterday? I went to the store and bought new batteries for our three smoke alarms!
 Please check your smoke detectors and make sure they are working properly! Also dispose of or properly contain any flammable materials that may be stored in your gargage.
Fires are so devastating! It was so frightening to think that a house was there one day and completely gone the next! God Bless our local Volunteer Firefighters!

1 comment:

  1. Cat, we lost everything in a house fire on August 15, 1980. We had a 5 year old son, I was pregnant with a daughter due in January, and DH was burned 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree over nearly 80% of his body. A team of about 7 docs worked on him for days, giving him up for gone several times. I can most sincerly sympathize with your neighbors, and I pray no one was home. Yes, readers, check those detectors, and check them often. Blessings!


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